Why change from the small to the next bigger backpack for dogs?
Enquiries from dog owners do not seldom achieve us which ones get a pup or already have.
The question usually asked is, whether and why one shall carry a pup in the rucksack!
It finally is around the lasting health of your still young dog we can affirm this in most cases. And usually if you make a little wrong durably particularly in old age of growing up, then this does not have insignificant consequences for the skeleton of the dog. Pains and further impairments are accompanied by that often. In addition, one should not completely forget the burdens associated with this – even with regard to restricted activities and visits to the veterinarian …
Most of our enquiries here then decide on the small DogCarrier backpack for the dog. From this the puppy often grows out in a few months. With which the small rucksack for carrying dogs can simply no longer be used.
For those who have discovered that carrying the dog is an advantage for their business, we want to make sure that they get their money’s worth; so that they don’t have to buy a backpack twice, we offer this exchange at such a low price that it should be suitable for all parties…
If you would like to learn more about the joint protection of your puppy or dog, please follow this link: