Used, undamaged dog backpacks from Dog Carrier at an absolute bargain price!
Size table Dog carrier dog backpack:
With the choice from recently SIX different size variations:
MINI (back lenght* up to 33 cm and form 3-6kg)
SMALL&SLIM (back lenght* up to 43 cm and from 5-10kg) for slim dogs
SMALL (back length up to 40 cm and from 5-10 kg) for normal or corpulent dogs
BIG&SLIM (back length up to 55cm and from 7-16kg) for slim dogs
BIG (back length up to 53 cm and from 7-16 kg) for mormalö or corpulent dogs
XXL (back length up to 67 cm and from15-30 kg)
HERE THE SMALL-DOG-CARRIER as good as new but slightly to medium soiled (dog hair from trying on)
Some of these are models that we no longer stock because we keep making small changes!
However, it can also be current, dirty models (see below on the main page under the red bars “this is how you clean our dog backpacks”)!
With the SMALL Dog Carrier you can choose between NEW backpacks of the older generation (the main feature is the waist belt for the dog with Velcro in contrast to the current click version), or common, dirty models!
During the ordering process, a field called “Comments” appears: There you simply write “dirty” or “new”! This ONLY applies to the SMALL version! For all other backpack sizes you buy a random selection!
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